Argentina, which was forced to give up its 1:1 peg to the US dollar in 2002, experienced a stormy floating of the peso in the currency markets. 阿根廷则于2002年被迫放弃了本国货币按1:1比率盯住美元的汇率安排,此后外汇市场上比索汇率剧烈波动。
Moreover, if the dollar continues to appreciate, China may well be forced to drive down the value of its currency, which has lost competitiveness against both the yen and the euro. 此外,如果美元继续升值,中国很可能被迫让人民币贬值&与日元和欧元相比,人民币已经失去了竞争力。
In parliament on Tuesday, Mr. Abe was forced to defend the central bank actions that have depressed the currency. 周二在国会,安倍晋三不得不为央行压低日元汇率的行为进行了辩解。
Russian companies and banks have been forced to build up hard currency reserves to pay off more than$ 40bn in debts falling due in November and December that would have once been refinanced almost automatically in the west. 在被西方制裁期间,俄罗斯企业和银行一直被迫建立硬通货储备,以偿还将于11月和12月到期的逾400亿美元的债务,以前,这些债务将几乎自动的在西方获得再融资。
Bank customers would simply send their euros to a foreign bank to avoid a forced conversion into a new domestic currency. 银行客户会直接把他们的欧元转到外国银行,以免被强迫转换成新的本国货币。
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority was forced to step into the currency markets again yesterday as the Hong Kong dollar hit the limit of its trading band against its US counterpart. 香港金融管理局(HKMA)昨日被迫再度干预汇市,原因是港元兑美元汇率触及交易区间的上限。
Even then, they were forced to convert their own currency into Renminbi to buy an asset, and convert back again on sale a costly and time-consuming exercise. 即使如此,它们也不得不先将本币兑换为人民币以购买资产,在售出资产后再兑换为本币这是一个耗钱耗时的操作。
Denmark was forced to raise interest rates in October to keep its currency peg with the euro intact. 丹麦被迫于10月提高利率以稳定其货币对欧元汇率。
Some governments will be forced to restructure their debt and may choose to do so by introducing changes in their currency. 有些政府将被迫重组债务,同时也许选择在他们的货币中引入改变政策达到这个目标。
The possibility that Japan could be forced intervene to slow the rise of the yen grew yesterday after investors ignored an unscheduled warning from the Group of Seven about the Japanese currency's excessive volatility. 日本被迫对日元汇率实施干预、以减缓日元升势的可能性昨日有所上升。此前,投资者对七国集团(G7)突然发出的日元波动过度的警告置之不理。
And it may soon be forced to allow a faster appreciation of its currency too. 此外,中国可能很快会被迫允许人民币加速升值。
Back in Chicago, Mr Hickey says he believes Beijing will be forced to change its currency stance. 在芝加哥的希基表示,他相信北京方面会被迫改变其汇率政策立场。
Monetary Union implies that areas with different economic conditions, growth rates and price expectations are no longer forced by markets to make compensating adjustments through currency devaluation. 货币联盟意味着,有着不同经济状况、增长率和价格预期的地区,将不再会受市场力量驱动,通过货币贬值来实施补偿性调整。
A poor Spanish debt auction, which forced the country to pay extremely high premiums, prompted some investors to ask if the eurozone crisis could spread to Madrid and threaten the single European currency. 西班牙国债拍卖人气不佳,迫使该国支付极高的利息。这使得一些投资者质疑:欧元区危机是否会蔓延到马德里,并威胁欧洲单一货币?
On several occasions this year, most recently in July, the renminbi has fallen to the bottom of its trading band and traders suspect the PBoC was forced to support the currency. 人民币汇率今年已有好几次(最近几次发生在7月份)跌至每日浮动区间的底部,交易员们怀疑,中国央行在此类情况下曾被迫采取行动支撑人民币汇率。
The rouble has now recovered more than half the losses it incurred in the wake of the financial crisis when the central bank was forced to dig into its foreign exchange reserves to halt a slide in the currency. 如今卢布已收复其在金融危机发生后一半以上的跌幅,当时俄罗斯央行被迫动用外汇储备来阻止卢布下滑。
Still worse, once a country has been forced to restructure its public debt and seen a substantial part of its financial system disappear as well, the additional costs of re-establishing its currency must seem rather smaller. 更糟糕的是,一旦有哪个国家被迫对公共债务进行重组,并且该国金融体系中有相当一部分消失,重建本币的额外成本看起来必然微不足道。
However, when PDVSA, the national oil company, was unable to meet its debt-for-oil repayment schedules, it was forced to borrow from the central bank, contributing to the hard currency shortage that is fuelling inflation and curtailing imports of food. 但是,当委内瑞拉国家石油公司(PDVSA)无法履行其债务换石油还款计划时,它被迫从央行借钱,从而加剧了硬通货短缺,助长通胀,妨碍食品进口。
Yuan Dynasty ruler developed the paper money system, the government has forced the issue department to exchange the paper money, became the basic currency system of Yuan Dynasty. 元朝统治者发展了纸币制度,政府强制发行不兑换纸币,成为元代的基本的币制。
Driven by the financial crisis, the yuan is forced to a significant appreciation. A currency appreciation ( depreciation) implies that the international competitiveness of its products declines ( rises), which in turn affects the trade of products. 在金融危机的带动下,人民币被迫大幅度升值。一国货币升值(贬值)意味着其产品的国际竞争力的下降(上升),而产品的国际竞争力又影响着该产品的贸易。